Hi ? I am SO HAPPY!!! to invite you for another park yoga session. It is an amazing experience to practice when being in nature – seeing the sky in updog and looking at the grass in downdog! Watch out! We will meet in the park Grebovka in Vinohrady this time. ? I want you to experience yoga practicing in different and still very beautiful park of Prague. It will be calm stretching and strengthening practice open to all levels of practitioners. Details: *We will meet in the park Grebovka in Vinohrady. Coordinates below *Bring your own mat – if you don’t have any I can borrow you one but you need to let me know earlier that you’d like it *If you are joining the lesson click ‘Going’ in the event please so we know how many of you to expect *If you get lost you can call me at 607897552 Price – donation. Suggested amount: 100 CZK Coordinates for our meeting spot: https://www.google.com/maps/place/50%C2%B004’03.6%22N+14%C2%B026’39.7%22E/@50.0676684,14.4432668,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0 CAN’T WAIT TO PRACTICE WITH YOU! ? See less