KCL Neurosurgery Society is extremely proud to present our first event of the new year, Women in Neurosurgery! Belonging to undoubtedly one of the busiest and most demanding specialties, our speakers are well placed to discuss that all important «work-life balance» and working in a traditionally male dominated specialty. With female neurosurgeons across different levels of training, we’ll be giving you an insight into the pathway and journey into Neurosurgery and interesting perspectives on getting accepted into one of the most competitive surgical professions. Our speakers include: Miss Eleni Maratos PhD FRCS(SN) Spine Clinical Fellow, St George’s Hospital Miss Meriem Amarouche, Neurosurgery registrar ST6, King’s College Hospital Miss Shami Acharya Neurosurgery registrar ST3, King’s College Hospital This event is open to all & free for Members & Non-Members! Certificates of attendance will be provided! Odebrat nebo aktualizovat událost Fievent.com | Kontakt | Privacy | Terms Další populární událostiZískat doporučení na události na základě vašeho vkusu z Facebooku. Získej ho ihned!Ukažte vhodné akce pro měNyní ne